Thursday, August 28, 2014


CUBAO . The heart of Cubao has always been my home for almost 10 years now after I left Kamuning. From there, I have been in and out of of someone's door who had a space available for me until I found a small room to call my own. It is indeed hard to be a 'squatter' in Manila. Rents are so high and so is the lifestyle. Had it been in my hometown, I will not have any dilemma of finding a space, spending money for fast food because my parents will surely feed me with what I call 'abundance" from our farm. Being a stranger in this world indeed is hard, trying  hard to cope up with whatever the city can offer, to find a living. 

A friend and a colleague at work invited me for a few days to share her tiny space, but had to leave when her boyfriend comes. My closet was the trunk of my car, my companion in going around. Just figuring out  to where her wheels would take me, I was alone and confused. She herself didn't know where to go. She looked exhausted everyday, with all the stuff inside, a small mattress, a very old Standard Electric fan, shoes, clothes, boxes of stuff I would need in case. Been to Imus, Pasay, Marikina, Tandang Sora, until my  ex found me a little room in a Townhouse at 15th Ave. For a little higher than a minimum payment as an employee, P3,500 pesos was hard to earn. I would buy a P10 worth of pandecoco which will be good for breakfast and dinner. That went on for 6 months, until my landlady said, we had to move out again. We transferred to the building just across with her new rented place, and after a while, she said the same thing. Found out that the land lady would not pay our rents until she was demanded to leave asap. Poor girl, that's what I am. 

Cut it short, God has been good to me and blessed me with 2 promotions in 7years and that made me help pay a higher rent for a nicer place. I have shared a big apartment at 12th Avenue with my long time friend, best friend, partner (whatever we may call it). I have shared so much good memories with him and it makes me comfortable being with him among anyone else since  we've known each other so much. We laughed and cried together. We can talk about anything under any weather, we can laugh about something with just looking in our eyes. Jeepney drivers sometimes would go crazy seeing us laughing hard at the passengers seat without talking about anything. Weird but true. :-)

The place was a big 2 storey apartment with two big bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, laundry and a bathroom. It was perfect for two independent people. The moment we checked the house, we were giggling and running around like kids. Just the idea of having a new nice place is heavenly for me. 

What is nice about us is we never intrude to anyone's lives. We had the same house, but different lives. We were just comfortable knowing one of us was just there in the other room. After almost 4 years, had to move again. The compound where the apartment was, was bought by a company and converted to boarding houses and rooms for rents. Just looking at that place once in a while makes me sad. It was a peaceful private place, but now, it was crowded, noisy and no privacy at all.

We found another apartment at 9th ave. There, we were joined by his young nephews and nieces who were also finding a living here in Manila. There were struggles, but lo and behold, everyone were successful in finding jobs not so long ago. But the new place was no luck. I want to think that I will always be a nomad when it comes to a place to live in. That cute apartment, newly renovated with 2 rooms, fully furnished with airconditions, beds, and other stuff, was a disappointment. When it rains, it seems like we had a waterfall inside the house. There were leaks and holes and before you know it, basins, and 'tabos' and containers were all over the place. 

Forced to move out, we found another townhouse at 13th avenue, a big house. I was hesitant entering the main gate, as it looks high end. "This must be expensive" I thought. True enough, it was P20K a month. 6 bedrooms, a living room, dining area, kitchen, 3 T&B, a garage and a small terrace connecting the two rooms. It was perfect for 7 people. 

Excited to move immediately, we started packing and finished everything for 1 week and finally settled little by little. The kids were a big help as they were the one moving while we were working. That.. was the start of a good life in Florence.

The place is old, dull, needs some refurbishing. But since my friend has an exposed experience to layouts and decorating, he transformed the house to a home. Everyone had a room, can move freely, and can bond together with a nice show on TV or have some wine once in a while.

MEMORIES. Each place of course has a lot. Oonagh, our dog enjoyed the garage by himself, guarding us while we were in our deep sleep. He would bark to let us know something was going on outside and that we should be aware. He passed away when he got sick and just the time when Chibo (my very first dog) came in. That house became Chibo's haven. I got him when he was 3 months old, and so the whole house was his playground. He learned how to go up and down the stairs, pooped to where he should be, and man.. the long drive way became his meeting place when he meets his dog friend "Shiver" in the afternoon. He was adored by everyone and he loves when he got some 'pasalubong' and some balls and treats. His uncle Eff was his favorite, his marshmallows was extra special before going to bed. Until Furla, her partner, and Celine, their baby came along.

BONDING. We used to cook and share the meals together. Birthday celebrations are extra treats. We will go  out once in a while to dip in the water for a change, and stay overnight in a nearby hotel, watch a movie, play some sports, or play games during gift giving on Christmas. There were personal differences, but it was normal. No one's perfect anyway. Little matters, petty things. Maybe sometimes, people wanted to stay young and so I was goofy and loud and always wanting to make laughters around. Not knowing people, as the years go by and getting more mature wants peace, silence and decency. Kinda teach me that people has their moods, no matter where you are and who you are with. But these were learnings. What is important is, things are easy, we were healthy, we have jobs and income to pay the rent.

SAYING GOODBYE:  But once again, It's farewell to that big house. It's time to move out and look for each other's OWN space. Owner has decided to let their kids accomodate the place instead of their kids renting another. Oh well...

MOVING ON. Just sorting out the things and packing again somehow pinch my heart as it's time to say goodbye again. Not just with the house, but with the housemates I have been with for 3 long years. It was fruitful, I must say.  The comfort of being in a nice home, I will surely miss. 

My dogs have to adjust too. They have to be trained again, and let them know, it's a new place and they should make themselves comfortable. The hassle  of patiently looking for the the new apartment, bargaining for the rates but the owners won't give you that favor, the pains in the pocket for the advance and the deposits, the new installations of the cable and the internet, the buying of new things you never owned before, the lifting and carrying stuff from the old place to the new.. all the sacrifices of being a foreigner to this city. But this is where life is. 

FLORENCE.. thanks for giving us shelter and for the beautiful part of you that make us mature and continue to grow as years go. You were wonderful for giving us a home.

soaring high at Fernandina's Suite's Hotel

my confidante and bestfriend for 21 years :-)


                                                    Ussie pose after a sweaty night at Tara Court.

                                                              Pinoy Henyo before Christmas

                                                                'Pigsa" He didn't get it right :-)

                                                              Lucky guy :-)

                                                     Christmas trees bloom during Gift giving.

                                                        One of those special dinners at Buddy's Pizza

 Chibo celebrated his first bday at Florence.

My dogs playground (Celine, Furla and Chibo)

Waiting for their uncle, titos and titas..


                                                            Photo addicts via selfie pod :-)

I will surely miss you housemates! You were a big part of me, and I will contineously cherish our moments together. Thank you for the good times shared and for loving my dogs too unconditionally.

Good luck to all of you and let's soar high!! God bless you!

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